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Nicky Jones, Fabulous Female Founder of Aroma Studio shares her passion for essential oils and Aromatherapy.

Tell me a little about yourself and how and when did you qualify as an Aromatherapist?

I live in Warsash, a little village on the South coast, with my husband, our dog and my two grown up sons who come and go in between working away and uni.

I’ve always had an interest in essential oils and natural ingredients, making my own soaps and playing with raw ingredients way before I qualified as an Aromatherapist. I’ve also always suffered with eczema and dermatitis and when a friend introduced me to natural skincare back in 2013 it transformed my skin.  Like a growing number of people, I now know that my body just doesn’t like synthetic perfumes and artificial chemicals and preservatives.  Soon after, I decided to retrain, qualifying as a complementary therapist with reflexology and aromatherapy in 2017.

What are your qualifications? What treatments do you offer?

After initially qualifying, I immediately embarked on advanced training with the fabulously knowledgeable Colette Somers at the Winchester School of Aromatherapy ( and qualified as a Clinical Aromatherapist in 2018. My interest in skin care due to my own skin experiences means that I am now chasing my dream of creating beautiful aromatherapy skin care and wellbeing products and am close to completing a Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation with Formula Botanica ( ). It has all been a lot of hard work and a very steep learning curve – but I’ve loved it!

As an Aromatherapist I love working with the face. Not only because being so close to the brain means that the inhalation of  essential oils can have an almost instant impact in calming, energising or uplifting, but also because our skin is connected to both our emotions and our mind – and vice versa. How we feel about our skin can affect our emotional wellbeing – and our emotional health can have a direct impact on our skin and aromatherapy, when used safely and correctly, can have such an effective impact on both. I love how therapeutic this can be and now specialise in Bespoke Aromatherapy Facial Treatments. Just as I can with my products, I am able to tailor treatments specifically to the client’s skin and emotional wellbeing. Facial compresses, aromatic mists and masks, their very own facial oils created for them there and then and of course a range of massage techniques suited to them on the day. I am also able to incorporate Ayurveda massage and acupressure techniques which my clients absolutely love.  Every treatment is different and as an Aromatherapist it really keeps me on my toes!

When and how did you decide to start up The Aroma Studio?

As soon as I initially started training I knew that this is what I wanted to do,  so I set the Aroma Studio up as soon as I qualified. Sometimes, when you have a passion you just know you have to do everything you can to make it happen.

What’s the best all-round essential oil?

Tricky. I use a quite an array of essential oils for different conditions as, although many share the same properties such as anxiolytic, antibacterial, sedative, anti-inflammatory etc. Like nature itself they are often far more effective when blended in synergy with other oils.  Certainly the most popular and the one that everyone knows is probably Lavender. 

Do you get all of your oils from the same supplier?

There are many different suppliers out there who are very passionate about producing and supplying high quality, unadulterated essential oils. I always think it would be a shame to stick to one, however, I have my favourites which I go back to time and again. Alan Howell at Shechina ( ) provides fabulous oils to those who are fully qualified and is so very knowledgeable and Penny Price ( )and Neal’s Yard Remedies ( ) are also go-to’s. For organic botanical oils I often use Naturally Thinking ( ) and also Florihana ( in France provide quite gorgeous oils and hydrolats too. 

Do you use organic oils?

If I have a choice between organic and non-organic, then I will always choose the organic option. However, there are some beautiful wild crafted oils which have grown in their natural environment but which do not have the ‘organic’ label. I believe that if you trust your supplier and have faith that they will only source the best, then that is the most important thing.

Can you recommend a simple combination for sleep for anyone struggling?

There are so many oils that can help relax the body and mind. Lavender of course, Roman Chamomile, Sweet Marjoram, Vetiver – the list goes on. The most important thing is that you choose the oil/s that you love and that you use them safely. Smell them and if you don’t like them, choose another. Let your sense of smell and the emotion it brings, guide you. And don’t use too much. A drop or two will do – otherwise you may find it has the opposite effect!

If you could only take one essential oil with you to a desert island which one would it be?

I could never just take one. Impossible. 

What has been the most requested blend during lockdown?

At the beginning of lock down it was most definitely my Boost Pulse Point Oil. The very nature of its antiviral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties alongside the fact that it could be kept in handbags or in pockets and used whenever, made it quite rightly, the attractive option.

More recently it has been about calming and sleeping blends. As anxiety, panic and uncertainty about the future arises then sleep becomes more of an issue. My Calm Pulse Point quickly became incredibly popular, so much so that I created a Bath and Body Oil out of the blend to create an evening relaxation ritual to try to help switch off and calm an over thinking mind before bedtime.

Do you create bespoke products?

Bespoke Blending is at the heart of both treatments and products at the Aroma Studio. It’s something I am passionate about. We are all individual, with different personalities, life experiences, skin conditions, likes and dislikes scent-wise, so what suits and works for one person, won’t always be effective for another. Blending Bespoke means that I can specifically and effectively target areas that may need a little support – whether that be physical, emotional or both. 

Best-selling product

Bespoke Facial Oils. Without a doubt. Closely followed by my facial Cleansing Oil as once these are used together and blended to suit a skin type and condition, you never look back. 

An object you would never part with

Apart from sentimental jewellery and photographs … nothing really. I’m not very materialistic. 

The last meal that truly impressed you

A delicious meal with special people at The Chesil Rectory in Winchester (above).

A fabulous female founder who you admire

The late Dame Anita Roddick. She not only proved back then that beauty products could be produced naturally and ethically, but she also was one of the first to ban the use of ingredients tested on animals in products and one of the first to promote fair trade with third world countries. A real natural skin care pioneer and fantastic British entrepreneur.

An unforgettable place you’ve travelled to in the past year

Les Arcs 1950 in the French Alps. Breakfast on the balcony, overlooking Mont Blanc with Mr J, my boys (men now – but always my boys) and the dog. Hard to beat.

Where would you like to go next?

We were due to go to Italy to celebrate a big number anniversary this year, travelling from Milan to Venice and stopping off at various points in between, but obviously couldn’t get there. We would still love to do this.

What are you dreaming of? 

Right now? I’m dreaming of giving my mum, my dad, my family and friends a huge hug!

I always think that other people’s food always tastes better than my own, is that the same with your aromatherapy blends? Whose would you buy if you didn’t make your own?

I’m very lucky in that if I do make a blend that doesn’t sit right with me – I am able to work on it until it does. I’m a bit of a perfectionist. However I do sometimes see a blend idea and wish I’d thought of it, but there are so many variations to try which is what makes aromatherapy so fascinating.

Have you always lived in Southampton?

In and around, yes.

A recent “find”

The Botanical Candle Company ( in Shaftsbury. I love their ethos, their shop, their products and style and love to see small and diverse businesses like theirs thriving. 

The last music I downloaded

Some easy listening music that I can listen to while blending in my Studio. Magnolia by J J Cale is a current favourite, along with Pass it Around by Donavon Frankenreiter.

The books on my bedside table

The Nature Remedy by Faith Douglas – a wonderful guide to the natural world and gifted to me recently by a lovely client who saw it and thought of me.

If I weren’t doing what I do

I’d want to be an author

In my fridge you’ll always find


The beauty staple I’m never without

As I’ve got older I use less and less, but I would never be without my Facial Oil. Or mascara.

Favourite City

Beautiful Florence

Aroma Studio

Online consultations with Nicky are available via email for all bespoke aromatherapy skincare and wellbeing products.

Treatments start at £50 and all treatments take place at the Aroma Studio ( ). Weekday appointments only.